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Bordeaux Non classé Wine Education

What Do You Really Need To Enjoy Your Wine…Other Than The Wine!

A few years back a mate of mine and myself did a cookery course at the Cordon Bleu School in London. It wasn’t like we’re now amazing chefs or anything, but it was a skills course, so we’re both pretty handy now at what we think we should be doing!

In one of the last lessons, I seem to remember, we did a quick question session with the head chef. One of the ladies from the course asked a great question. “Given all the gadgets and gizmos out there, what would you say are the top 5 most important things to own as a cook?” I know, great question! 

Well this week JB and I have been chatting about what we need to go out and about doing our wine tastings, so it got me thinking the same question for us wine drinkers? Ok there aren’t quite as many gadgets out there, but there are still a fair few.

For me there are 3, maybe 4, things that I wouldn’t want to do without:


1) A good bottle opener

Dear me there’s some crap out there!! A good waiter’s aide is the best place to start. After a while you can head off for the cool gadgets, but with those you get what you pay for, so be warned!

2) A decanter

An absolute necessity for red wine drinkers! Young wines love an hour or two in the air, older wines less time but they need to drop their sediment. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but it does have to do the job!

3) Good wine glasses

If I go round to a mate’s house one more time and see coloured glass, or funny shapes and sizes, or even worse those novelty metal goblets you get at Habitat??? Bore off! Get some normal plain glasses and stop messing around.

4) A drop stop pourer

Ok, so this one’s the wild card one, but if you want to stop dripping wine on your table cloth then get one. Even better, order some wine from us and I’ll sort you out with a 20h33 one for free. Deal?

Hope that helps you all, but give us a shout if you need any advice.


Director of www.20h33.co.uk

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