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Bordeaux Non classé Van Du Vin Vineyards Wine Education Wine Tours

Why Bother Visit the Vineyards?

Buying wine these days just keeps getting easier doesn’t it? You’ve got shops, the internet, and obviously your friendly neighbourhood wine broker to sort out all your wine needs. Surely the old method of jumping on the ferry over the channel and winging your way down those glorious French motorways to the Châteaux themselves to […]

Bordeaux Left Bank Right Bank Wine Education

What Are The Right and the Left Banks?

There are these two “places” that get talked about all the time when people are discussing wine from Bordeaux.  There’s the Left Bank, and there’s the Right Bank.  I suppose it’s important to know what they are, if for no other reason than to get a rough idea of where things are down Bordeaux-way!

Bordeaux Wine Education

What Is A Château?

Nearly every bottle of wine coming out of Bordeaux comes from a Château.  There are the famous ones like Château Margaux, or Château Haut-Brion.  There are the not so famous ones, but still fantastic wines, like Château Moulin De La Roquille that we have the honour of stocking.  All produced by the hundreds or even […]